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I enjoyed the feeling of the stars floating in space, so beautiful. It was fun to see the stars gradually grow and the gravity wells get bigger and bigger.
However, phase 3 was quite difficult, and it was more like praying for luck than aiming and hitting the target. The joy I felt when I hit the target was great, though!

my playthrough


Music is beautiful. I like it. Very meditative gameplay. thank you


Really cool! I had a hard time controlling and throwing the satellites but very fun :3


love how well the death sound fits in with the music and tone of the game


Very fun, and well crafted.  It does get peaceful once you get the swing of it all. 


Love the idea and style! Great job

(1 edit) (+1)

Very serene.  I love it!

Seems like I can do four thousand and some at best.  I really suck at aiming the satellites at the novas.


accumulating mass is what i do best